A psychological assessment involves the systematic gathering of information about an individual and their situation. Often it is the first step in treatment planning to best inform how to proceed.

We provide assessment services for various psychological difficulties including symptoms of:

  • Depression (e.g. mood disturbance, fatigue, low energy, loss of interest/pleasure, irritability)
  • Anxiety (including uncontrollable worry, panic attacks and social anxiety)
  • Phobias (including vehicle anxiety)
  • Posttraumatic stress
  • Chronic pain and pain-coping difficulties
  • Difficulties with anger
  • Coping with stress
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Adjustment difficulties

Types of Mental Health Concerns

Benefits of a Psychological Assessment

Efficient Treatment Planning

Without assessment, it can take a psychologist many weeks to get to know a client so that a confident and accurate opinion can be offered. A comprehensive assessment allows for an upfront review and understanding of your personality, strengths, difficulties, and individual circumstances which lends toward a faster diagnosis, development and implementation of treatment tailored to your individual needs.

Clearer Understanding of Specific Issues

We can use our assessment findings to create a treatment plan to help alleviate the specific difficulties or issues a client is facing. Furthermore, assessments are highly beneficial in cases where an individual faces a number of difficulties or multiple challenges and they also reduces the chances of having to resolve unanswered questions and missed information that can result on occasion from an interview on its own.

Tailored and Customized Treatment

Another benefit of psychological assessments is that they can help assess for specific personality traits or characteristics that may affect treatment efficacy. With the results of a thorough assessment, we can then use this information to tailor an effective treatment approach for you.

Increased Understanding of the Effects of an Injury

Psychological assessment can also help an individual to identify how an accident or injury affected them physically, psychologically, mentally and emotionally. This allows for effective treatment planning and for identification of impairment and disability resulting from psychological problems.

The Assessment - What to Expect

Participating in a psychological assessment may at first thought seem to be a daunting task, however we work with our clients to help them to feel comfortable and supported throughout the process. Our highly skilled team will make sure to explain exactly what to expect before, during and after the assessment and remain available for any questions that may arise during the course of the assessment.

If the assessment is carried out for treatment planning purposes, we will clearly describe the results of the assessment and discuss any treatment recommendations made so that our client is involved in, understands, and is engaged throughout the process.

The Intake Process

The assessment intake process varies depending on the type of assessment. Generally speaking, our clinic will conduct a telephone screening with the client in order to ensure that proceeding with an assessment is an appropriate course of action. Once funding is discussed or secured (depending on the type of assessment), you will be assigned to one of the assessors to begin the assessment process. Assessments are carried out either online or in-person in our office in Thornhill.

The Clinical Interview

As part of the clinical interview portion of the assessment, we will discuss, explore and endeavor to identify the following:

  • Mental health functioning and state of well-being
  • The nature of any psychological or personality-based difficulties present
  • Personal strengths and coping abilities
  • Diagnosis(es) if relevant (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, etc.)
  • The etiology or causes of psychological diagnosis(es) or difficulties
  • How psychological functioning impacts or limits day-to-day function
  • Prognosis (e.g., discussion of how will mental health functioning likely change over time or how will treatment affect psychological functioning etc.)
  • Treatment planning and recommendations

Psychological Testing

For the testing portion of the assessment, clients will complete scientifically based self-report psychological tests and questionnaires designed to inform the assessor and provide supportive data to review when formulating the diagnosis(es). Examples of testing may include, but are not limited to, the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA) or Accident Fear Questionnaire (AFQ).

Psychological Report

In most cases, dependent on the type of psychological assessment request, completion of a psychological assessment report is the final step and is created using the information collected from the clinical interview and completed testing. This report is then provided to the referral source as a formal document for the record to advise of diagnosis(es) and/or treatment needs as applicable. The report will outline the assessment findings, any relevant diagnosis(es), prognosis(es) and treatment recommendations as applicable.

In some cases additional information is provided by a referral source, or the client, such as family physician’s clinical notes and records. When available, these documents are also reviewed as part of the assessment process and taken into consideration in the development of the diagnostic opinion and recommendations.

How Long Will the Assessment Take?

A psychological assessment in general takes several hours to complete comprised of the interview and testing components noted above. If needed we can arrange for the services of an interpreter on request.

Depending on the type of assessment being conducted, the clinical interview may occur over a few sessions, and may also include a family member to provide additional (collateral) information about the situation; however this is done only when consent has been provided by the client undergoing the assessment.

If you are interested in our psychological assessment services or have any questions or concerns regarding the assessment process, please feel free to contact us to learn more.

Contact Us

Psychological Assessment Types

At InnerQore Health we offer a variety of psychological consultation, treatment and assessment services and can provide medico-legal opinions at the request of lawyers and insurance companies. We are able to assess for treatment planning purposes, provide opinions in the scope of Independent Medical Examination, Insurer Examinations (under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule) and fitness to work evaluations. We also provide psychological opinions for return to work purposes, work-related injury and vocational rehabilitation.

Treatment Planning

A psychological assessment for treatment planning is conducted with the goal of examining and identifying an individual’s mental/psychological, behavioural, and emotional symptoms to identify challenges and offer a diagnosis(es)/prognosis as appropriate. On completion of this type of assessment, the information gathered is used to develop a treatment plan tailored to address the individual’s needs. On implementation of the treatment plan there is ongoing collaboration with the individual throughout to ensure that the treatment plan remains relevant, effective and helpful, and amend accordingly. We can also offer assessments for treatment planning under Section 25 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule.

Insurer Examinations

A psychological Insurer Examination (IE) is an assessment requested by an automobile insurance adjuster following their claimant’s involvement in a motor vehicle accident. These assessments are done under the purview of the Ontario Accident Benefits legislation, notably Section 44 of the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SABS), and involve the insurer asking benefit specific questions to be addressed pertaining to the claimant’s accident-related injury(ies) or impairment(s). Information sought by the referral source in cases such as this include: the nature and severity of a claimant’s psychological functioning, the etiology or cause of any identified psychological impairment, the need for professional psychological intervention or treatment, the extent to which any ongoing psychological impairment might impact a claimant’s ability to perform their day-to-day activities such as employment and disability opinions. The report generated from an IE is sent directly to the insurer for their file and review to aide in their adjudication of the claim. Copies of these reports cannot be provided directly to the client by our clinic and rather must be requested from the referral source.

Catastrophic (CAT) Impairment Assessment

A catastrophic impairment assessment a type of Insurer Examination conducted under the Statutory Accident Benefits Scheduled (SABS) to determine whether an individual involved in a motor vehicle accident in Ontario suffers impairments of a severity that satisfies the legal definition of a “catastrophic” impairment, as defined in the SABS. These assessments are usually carried out as part of a multidisciplinary assessment in conjunction with other assessments performed by other professionals/disciplines. The report generated from a CAT Insurer Examination is sent directly to the insurer for their file and review to aide in their adjudication of the claim. Copies of these reports cannot be provided directly to the client by our clinic and rather must be requested from the referral source.

As one of the co-founders of Ontario’s only Catastrophic Mental-Behavioural Assessor Certification program (i.e., the C-CAT (MB) program offered by CAPDA and CSME), Dr. Frank is frequently called upon to perform the psychological (i.e., mental-behavioural) portion of these assessments. Should you wish to discuss CAT assessment team composition or other logistical issues, he is available to discuss this matter with any interested insurer or legal representative.

Med-Legal Psychological Assessments

Medico-legal or “med-legal” psychological assessments are comprehensive evaluations of a plaintiff at the request of either the plaintiff’s lawyer or the defendant’s lawyer in the context of a tort claim, whereby a plaintiff is claiming psychological damages resulting from personal injury. The purposes of these assessments is to identify psychological impairments, diagnosis and prognosis, issues of causation, future care needs, and issues pertaining to personal loss, suffering, activity limitations and disability resulting from psychological impairment.

Independent Medical Examinations (IME)

Psychological Independent Medical Examinations or “IMEs” are independent assessments that can be requested by various referral sources for a number of specific purposes. This type of assessment provide an independent psychological opinion whereby there is no previous relationship with the examinee and can be used for disability determination related to long-term or short-term disability or other benefits, or to provide an opinion on fitness to work and a number of different situations requiring the expertise of a psychological professional.

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